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"Small Jewels 16"

Original Art Sized & Priced for Gift-Giving

November 30 - December 29

Opening Reception on Saturday, November 30  5-7 p.m.

Pieces are available for purchase as soon as they are posted here.

Al Barker
Jacalyn Beam
Roger Dellar
Bernard Dellario
Jean Doran
Jill Glassman
Doris Ingram
Hanna MacNaughtan
Michelle Marshall
Sydney McGinley
Laura McGowan
Nancy McIntyre
Nina Mickelsen
Joe Milligan
Bill Patterson
Rick Phillips
Damon Pla
Jim Rehak
Claudia Rilling
J. Stacy Rogers
Steve Rogers
John Schisler
Nick Serratore
Bill Snow
Sharon Strine
Betsey Von Dreele
Meg Nottingham Walsh

520 E. Savannah Rd. Lewes, DE 19958

(302) 645-0551

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To purchase artwork, contact the gallery through one of the methods above

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